Composting for Beginners: A Guide to Getting Started this Spring

Composting for Beginners: A Guide to Getting Started this Spring

Is home composting a part of your gardening strategy this spring? It should be! Find out more in our beginners guide to composting.

Love your Garden, Love Your Mind, Love Each Other

Love your Garden, Love Your Mind, Love Each Other

Getting out in the garden does wonders for your mental health, and when you garden with someone you love it does wonders for your relationship too! Find out what these benefits are here.

Bugs in compostInsects in your compost? Here’s how to tell if they’re a pest or a guest!

Insects in your compost? Here’s how to tell if they’re a pest or a guest!

The Subpod is designed to be vermin and pest free, but to quote everyone’s favorite Jurassic Park character, Dr. Ian Malcolm - “Life, uh, finds a way.” :/ ...

Compost and Plants - A Love Story

Compost and Plants - A Love Story

The love affair between compost and plants is as old as time itself. It's a beautiful, supportive and loyal relationship! Read more here.

The Benefits of a School Garden

The Benefits of a School Garden

A school garden and composting project is more than just about growing plants. Your students grow too! Learn how in this article.

Subpod Making Headlines

Subpod Making Headlines

Subpod has come a long way in the last few years, and the media has started to pick up on our journey! Check out these articles.