A Word From Our Home Composting Heroes

A Word From Our Home Composting Heroes

The thing that doesn’t fail to blow us away, every single day, is our fantastic community of home composting heroes. It’s not just the stats that are impressive, although lets’ take a look at those quickly…

  • Over 60,000 Subpoddin’ waste warriors in 26 countries around the world!
  • 20,000 users on our GrowHub Community platform.
  • 122,000-plus highly engaged social media followers across all our platforms.
  • 126,000-plus email subscribers.

That's a lot of you out there doing your thing for the earth. We’re so grateful that you’ve chosen Subpod to accompany you on this journey! It’s not just us who are grateful, the planet is too. Subpod owners are diverting over 21,000 tonnes of food waste from landfill every week! In offsetting carbon dioxide emissions terms, that's the equivalent of planting nearly 52,000 trees a year!

Today we want to share some words from members of this composting community of legends! From all around the world, here are four Subpod users giving their perspective on our worm farm home composting kits!

Dawn from Wisconsin, USA

Dawn shares the same sentiment as so many of our Subpod users - she wants to do her bit for the environment. And what better way to achieve that than by making home composting a part of your everyday life? And what better way to home compost than with a Subpod, and in Dawn’s case, with a Modbed Balcony Bundle?

The Balcony Grow Bundle consists of a Modbed, a Subpod Mini and an aerator. It’s ideal for urban spaces of all sizes, as it doesn’t even need a backyard or garden. A balcony will do!

Dawn does have a garden, and it’s beautiful. The lettuce in her Modbed is thriving, and everywhere else is green and lush. Instead of going to landfill, her food waste is being turned into ‘black gold’ compost that keeps her garden looking great!

Kirsten from Byron Bay, Australia

Kirsten, plus her adorable friends Bailey and Archie, have an enviably grounding mindfulness routine every morning. They collect the byproducts of almond milk creation, their coffee grounds and all the food waste from the day before. They take it out into their amazing garden and put it into their Subpod worm farm.

It’s a process that connects them to nature. What could be better than watching the worms work their magic and turn the food scraps into nutritious compost? You can see in the video how Kirsten’s flowers are loving this delicious plant food… they're sprouting and they’re gorgeous!

Susie from the UK

Susie is an Australian who has called the UK home for the last 30 years. She’s an avid Subpodder, and a strong advocate of the ‘feed the soil, feed the earth’ concept! We love her style, we love her green and healthy garden and we’re really happy she uses Subpod for her home composting!

Susie's a fan of the two bin system of Subpod, the oh-so-clear instructions on the lid and the thousands of worms she now calls friends! Many of the gardens in suburban UK have space limitations, which Subpod manages to overcome with its selection of raised garden beds. For her, it's an easy way to incorporate composting into her life.

Giordana from Baltimore, USA

Giordana has been using Subpod for her home composting for a couple of years now. She hails from Baltimore County, in Maryland, an area of the US that gets particularly cold in the winter time. That hasn’t stopped Giordana from composting all year round, keeping her worms healthy and active in the really cold months!

How does she do it? Lucky for us, Giordana shared some of her tips and tricks for keeping her worms warm during the winter. You can check them out in the video, or you can read a more in-depth look at her methods in this article on winter vermicomposting.

Get Composting!

We’re always so happy when people share the Subpod vision for a healthier planet. Home composting is a great way to keep food waste out of landfill, decrease your carbon footprint and grow healthy, nutritious gardens in the process!

Check out our awesome range of worm farms below, and join us (and Susie!) on our mission to feed the soil, feed the earth!

Become a Part of the Subpod Family!

Our worm farm compost systems help you feed the soil and feed the earth.

Reading next

Getting Your Worms Through Winter
Subpod Making Headlines

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